|  | | 10/27/2009 | 10/27/2009 | | | Certification of Closed Meeting | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/13/2009 | 10/13/2009 | | | Sale of Property - 4001 Rochambeau Drive | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/27/2009 | 10/27/2009 | | | Airport Site Selection Study | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/13/2009 | 10/13/2009 | | | Budget Transfer - Curbside Leaf Collection - $19,400 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/14/2009 | 10/14/2009 | Regular | Resolutions - Chesapeake Bay | Granting an Exception on JCC RE Tax Parcel NO. 5040200012 | Records Management | DVD2019-1 QTR 4 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/14/2009 | 10/14/2009 | Regular | Resolutions - Chesapeake Bay | Granting an Exception on JCC RE Tax Parcel NO. 0930300004 | Records Management | DVD2019-1 QTR 4 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/14/2009 | 10/14/2009 | Regular | Resolutions - Chesapeake Bay | Denying an Appeal on JCC RE Tax Parcel NO. 3841760010 | Records Management | DVD2019-1 QTR 4 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/27/2009 | 10/27/2009 | | | Resolution of Recognition - James City County Citizen Involvement | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/13/2009 | 10/13/2009 | | | Grant Award - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act; Port Security Grant Program - $61,300 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/27/2009 | 10/27/2009 | | | Grant Award - Criminal Justice Systems Improvement - $37,700 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/13/2009 | 10/13/2009 | | | Grant Award - Justice Assistance - $13,446 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/27/2009 | 10/27/2009 | | | Grant Award - Kiwanis Club of Williamsburg - $250 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/27/2009 | 10/27/2009 | | | Authorization to Expend Funds for Ironbound Road Widening Project - $197,000 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/27/2009 | 10/27/2009 | | | Authorization of Conveyance of Matoaka Elementary School Property to Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/13/2009 | 10/13/2009 | | | Budget Transfer - Palmer Lane Office Improvements - $47,300 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/13/2009 | 10/13/2009 | | | Case No. SUP-0013-2009. Cardinal Acres Two-Family Dwelling | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/27/2009 | 10/27/2009 | | | Case No. SUP-0018-2009. Robinson Family Subdivision | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/27/2009 | 10/27/2009 | | | Case No. SUP-0020-2009. Vossel and Gross Family Subdivision Amendment | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/27/2009 | 10/27/2009 | | | County/State Project Administration Agreement, American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, Overlay/Resurfacing Various Routes Countywide (UPC No. 95044) | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 10/27/2009 | 10/27/2009 | | | Restrictive Convenant - Warhill Stream Restoration - Parcel No. 3210100012 (In Part) | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 1 | 12/29/2022 11:59 AM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |