|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Certification of Closed Meeting | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Certification of Closed Meeting | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Certification of Closed Meeting | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/10/2015 | 09/10/2015 | Regular | Resolution | Certification of Closed Meeting | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 4 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/22/2015 | 09/22/2015 | Regular | Resolution | Certification of Closed Meeting | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/22/2015 | 09/22/2015 | Regular | Resolution | Certification of Closed Meeting | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Abandonment of a Portion of the Right-of-Way for Croaker Road (Route 607) | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/22/2015 | 09/22/2015 | Regular | Resolution | Authorization to Increase Building Inspector Position from Part-Time Regular to Full-Time Regular | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Contract Award-Building F Board Room Video Equipment-$265,000 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/22/2015 | 09/22/2015 | Regular | Resolution | Contract Award- Fire Station 1 Fuel Island Construction - $293,258 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Contract Award-Replacement Ambulance-$248,785 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Contract Award-Development of a Strategic Plan-$190,000 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/9/2015 | 09/09/2015 | Regular | Resolutions - Chesapeake Bay | Granting an Exception on JCC RE Tax Parcel 5030400091 | Records Management | DVD2019-1 QTR 4 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/9/2015 | 09/09/2015 | Regular | Resolutions - Chesapeake Bay | Granting an Exception on JCC RE Tax Parcel 3233100040 | Records Management | DVD2019-1 QTR 4 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/9/2015 | 09/09/2015 | Regular | Resolutions - Chesapeake Bay | Granting an Exception on JCC RE Tax Parcel 4410500007 | Records Management | DVD2019-1 QTR 4 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/9/2015 | 09/09/2015 | Regular | Resolutions - Chesapeake Bay | Granting an Appeal on JCC RE Tax Parcel 4930280017 | Records Management | DVD2019-1 QTR 4 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/9/2015 | 09/09/2015 | Regular | Resolutions - Chesapeake Bay | Granting an Appeal on JCC RE Tax Parcel NO. 4812300018 | Records Management | DVD2019-1 QTR 4 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Deed of Exchange-Lexington Drive | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Grant Award-Commonwealth Attorney-Virginia Domestic Violence Victim Fund-$41,030 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Grant Award-Commonwealth Attorney-Victim's Witness Grant Program-$125,237 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Resolution of Support for House Bill 2 Transportation Funding Applications | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/22/2015 | 09/22/2015 | Regular | Resolution | Authorization to Lease an Approximately 10-Acre Portion of the James City County Marina to the James City County Economic Development Authority | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | The Virginia Department of Transportation Revenue Sharing Program: Revision to Cost Estimate for an Active Project in the Williamsburg West Subdivision and Contingency Transfer-Special Project Grants Fund-$66,500 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/8/2015 | 09/08/2015 | Regular | Resolutions | Appointment of Animal Control Officer | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |
|  | | 9/22/2015 | 09/22/2015 | Regular | Resolution | Skiffes Creek Switching Station Requestst for a Delay by Applicant to November 24, 2015 | Records Management | DVD2015-1 QTR 3 | 12/29/2022 2:29 PM | Brigitte White - Admin | | | | | | Adopted Resolutions |